Salon of Experimental film and video, 2004      

Presentations by 14 film and video artists from around Europe, with Hans Christian Gilje, Inger Lise Hansen, Patrick Jolley, Farhad Kalantary, Clare Langan, Barbara Meter, Michel Pavlou, Emily Richardson, Guy Sherwin, Torbjørn Skaarild, Esther Urlus, Joost Van Veen and Jeremy Welsh.

The program is divided in four parts, which takes place during 4 weekends from April to June 2004.

Part 1 of 4 - Salon of Experimental Film and Video Art

Sat - Sun, 17-18 April 17:00

Hans Christian Gilje - Oslo/Berlin

Emily Richardson - London

Michel Pavlou - Oslo/Paris

HC Gilje (1969, Norway) is educated at the intermedia dep. at Kunstakademiet in Trondheim 95-99. Gilje is a Norwegian digital media artist working with video in a wide variety of ways: installations,short films, video integrated in dance and theatre performances, and live video improvisation. Recent works include the audiovisual composition labfly dreams, the dvd night for day and the performance Twinn. Gilje is one of the members of the video improvisation trio 242.pilots and the audiovisual duo blind. Gilje is also the visual motor of Kreutzerkompani.

Emily Richardson is an artist/filmmaker. She lives and works in London. Working with 16mm film using timelapse and long exposures on single frames she creates specific records of different environments. The invisible becomes visible. Her films have been shown in various galleries and festivals including Century of Artists Film in Britain at Tate Britain, Edinburgh Film Festival, Rotterdam and New York Video Festival.

Part 2 of 4 - Salon of Experimental Film and Video

Sat-Sun, 8-9 May 2004 at 17:00

Lakkegata 75 - 0562 Oslo

Inger Lise Hansen, Oslo-London

Guy Sherwin, London

Torbjørn Skårild , Moss

Guy Sherwin (1948, UK) studied painting at Chelsea School of Art in the 1960s. His subsequent film works, often including live elements and serial forms, are characterised by an enduring concern with light and time as the fundamentals of cinema. Recent works include multi-screen projection and gallery installations.

Sherwin taught printing and processing at the London Filmmaker's Co-op (now LUX) during the mid-70s. His films have been widely exhibited in England and abroad, as part of 'Film as Film' Hayward Gallery 1979, 'Live in Your Head' Whitechapel Gallery 2000, 'Shoot Shoot Shoot' Tate Modern 2002, and 'A Century of Artists' Film & Video' Tate Britain 2003/4; also on BBC2, Channel 4 and Arte TV France. Solo shows include San Francisco Cinematheque, LUX London, International Film Festival Rotterdam, Image Forum Tokyo. He lives in London and teaches at Middlesex University, the University of Wolverhampton and periodically at the San Francisco Art Institute.

Torbjørn Skårild (1964, Norway) is a visual artist working with video and installations who lives in Moss. He has studied at the Academy of Art in Trondheim and the Art Academy in Dusseldorf. His first video, “Alt som ingenting” (1994) won the Terje Vigen Award at the Norwegian Short Film Festival in Grimstad. His second video “Alt i alt” (2003) won the Norwegian Short Film Festival

Grimstad 2003: Grand Prix, Norwegian International Film Festival Haugesund: National Film Prize Amanda for Best Short Film 2003, and the Prix Canal + at Nordisk Panorama, Malmö.

Part 3 of 4 - Salon of Experimental Film and Video

Sat-Sun, 15-16 May 2004 at 17:00

Joost Van Veen

Esther Urlus

Patrick Jolley

Joost van Veen (1969) has been active as a filmmaker and film-performance artist since 1994. His films are shown world wide at film festivals. He fell in love with celluloid, specially high contrast, early in his life and is an expert on ‘hands on’ super8 & 16mm film techniques. Joost is a member of the performance group Ortho-dogs and is co-founder of de Filmwerkplaats workplace for experimental film, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Esther Urlus (1966) studied Monumental Art and Photography at the Academy of the Arts and Industrial Design in the Netherlands. As a filmmaker she approaches short film based on a work method closely related to plastic arts. Through improvisation and experimentation with the medium and its different processes, she tries to find forms that yield a deepening of content and artistic development. Esther is co-founder of de Filmwerkplaats workplace for experimental film, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Patrick Jolley (1964, Belfast) studied at National College of Art and Design, Dublin (BA) and at School of Visual Arts, New York (MFA). He has been working with photography and film over the past twelve years in London, New York and Dublin, with extended periods in Prague and Berlin. His film works have won prizes at Sundance Film Festival -2000, South by Southwest, TX –1999 & 2000; and at Cork Film Festival -1998. His works are shown widely in galleries, museums and festivals such as in Roebling Hall gallery - New York, Secession - Vienna 2001, Tate Modern – London, and the Cuban Biennial, 2000.

Part 4 of 4 - Salon of Experimental Film and Video

Sat - Sun, 5 - 6 June 2004, at 17:00

Barbara Meter - Amsterdam

Clare Langan - Dublin

Farhad Kalantary - Oslo

Jeremy Welsh - Bergen

Barbara Meter (1939, Amsterdam) studied at the Dutch Film Academy in the early 60s. Her early works were experimental narratives such as Norwegian Wood 1966 and Family Nasdalko at Sea 1969. After making contact with UK filmmakers in the early 70s she founded the Netherlands Film-Makers Co-op with artists including partner Mattijn Seip, and made her first experimental films e.g. From The Exterior 1970 and ...and a table1970. She programmed the Electric Cinema and has subsequently curated programmes for international venues such as LUX London. The birth of her son in 1973 prompted a move into radical documentaries allied to the feminist movement, examples being Domestic Labour film 1975 As a Woman 1976.

Barbara Meter was a lecturer at the Art Akademie Groningen in the 80s and taught classes in film practice at San Francisco Art Institute in 1995 and 2002. Since the 90s her work has returned to a very personal form of experimental film dealing with memory and place, in which she combines the agility of the super 8 camera with the structuring and layering processes of 16mm optical printing - and a dynamic, evocative use of sound. Works from this latter period include Penelope 1995, Departure on Arrival 1996, Appearances 2000, Greece, to me 2001, and No Boats Sail in the Mountains 2002.

Clare Langan (1967, Dublin) studied Fine Art at the National College of Art and Design, Dublin and with a Fulbright Scholarship, completed a film workshop at New York University in 1992.

In 2003 she presented A Film Trilogy at MoMA in New York and at the Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin. In 2002 she represented Ireland in the 25th Bienal de Sao Paulo, Brazil. The trilogy was exhibited together for the first time at The International 2002, Tate Liverpool for The Liverpool Biennial. She participated in theGlen Dimplex Artists’ Award 2000 at The Irish Museum of Modern Art. The films are part of the collections of The Irish Museum of Modern Art and the Tony Podesta Private Collection, Washington. In 2004 the films will travel to China as part of IMMA’s Views from an Island; Contemporary Art from Ireland.

Jeremy Welsh (1954, UK) is educated at Trent Polytechnic School of Fine Art, Nottingham and Goldsmiths College, London. Active in performance, video and installation art since 1977. Exhibiting internationally since late seventies. Exhibition & distribution coordinator for London Video Arts (later LEA / LUX) from 1982 - 87. Director of Film & Video Umbrella 1988 - 1990. Curator for several exhibitions and festivals including "Screens", Trondheim Tusenårsjubileum, 1997. Senior Lecturer, later Professor at Kunstakademiet i Trondheim, 1990 - 2001. Professor Kunsthøgskolen i Bergen since 2001. Currently MA Course Leader at KHIB. Recent work includes exhibition "Dialog/Overgang", March 2004 at Christiansands Kunstforening, in collaboration with Jon Arne Mogstad and Trond Lossius. Published book "The Transit Zone" in 2003.

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